Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Why Pet Owners Are Happier, Healthier People

Everyone wants to be happy, and that’s only natural. It turns out that happiness might be more within your reach than you think. Technically, happiness already rests inside of you, and you don’t need any outside influence to bring it out. But in truth, happiness just comes easier to pet owners. Incidentally, pet owners are healthier, too. Are you curious to find out why? Here are 4 reasons pet owners tend to be happier and healthier people.

1.      Pets Provide a Sense of Purpose

Everyone has lots of things they have to do. For example, you must go to work, do laundry, and take the car in for an oil change. But there is a difference between doing things you’re required to do and taking care of a pet. When you feed your pet, take it for a walk or to a visit at the vet’s, your jobs have a larger sense of purpose. They’re not just tasks that need to get done; your pet’s well-being depends on you.

Having this sense of purpose can boost your self-esteem. You can even watch this phenomenon in young children. Children who are responsible for caring for an animal (even if the adult is ready to help in the background) learn to feel confident in their abilities to succeed with other tasks, too.

2.      Pets Offer Companionship

Nothing affects your mood like loneliness. There’s obviously a difference between being alone and being lonely, and everyone can benefit from alone time occasionally. But the companionship your pet offers can make you feel better, whether you’re in the mood for company or whether you’d rather be alone.

Many elderly residents really appreciate having a pet at home, because they tend to feel more isolated than the rest of the population. But you don’t have to wait until you’re retired to enjoy the companionship a pet can provide you with.

3.      Pets Directly Affect Your Health

Pets are somewhat magical. While they don’t have anything to do with your diet, they can directly impact your health. As a pet owner, you will spend time relaxing with your pet, but you will also engage in more active games. Both are great for your health, consequently keeping your blood pressure and cholesterol levels under control. Having a pet can even improve your heart health.

Pets can also calm you in times of stress. Even small animals like guinea-pigs have been shown to reduce anxiety. If you don’t believe it, just try it out yourself. When you sit down and focus on cuddling with and petting your pet, your breathing will slow down and you’ll feel calmer.

4.      Pets Help You Bond with Others

While pets are great companions, humans also need other humans to interact with. Fortunately, having a pet can make it easier for you to bond with others. It’s especially easy for dog owners, because they constantly meet new people when they’re taking their dog for a walk. But even cat owners can bond with others over their favorite animal, whether it’s coworkers, neighbors, family members or friends who turn out to be cat lovers, too.

How to Enjoy the Benefits without Owning a Pet

Owning a pet has lots of benefits, and of course, you want to be happy and healthier, too. But for one reason or another, you might not be in the right place to adopt a pet. That’s okay. You’re not doomed to eternal unhappiness, because you can still enjoy the benefits of pet ownership without adopting a pet.

For example, you could spend more time with friends who have pets and ask them to invite you to their house. If you know someone who lives close by, you might even be able to borrow their pet for a spell. You could offer to walk the dog, and some pet owners will really appreciate the offer.

If you can’t have a dog or cat right now, maybe it’s possible to have a small animal instead. Most apartment buildings don’t mind it when their tenants get guinea-pigs or rabbits, and these animals can be just as cuddly as a cat or dog. However, you should know that even guinea-pigs have a long lifespan, 8 years is not uncommon.

Finally, if you’re a dog or cat person, your best option might be to volunteer at your local shelter or foster a pet. Shelters are always looking for someone to socialize the animals and take the dogs for a walk, allowing you to be healthier and happier while doing a good deed.

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